+34 971 306 605  +34 690 847 770

Committed to the environment

Islands are fragile and vulnerable areas where we have to pay special attention to agents that might harm the ecosystems and the native species that inhabit them. That’s why Ibiza Sun Apartments has been gradually increasing its actions and measures to reduce its impact on the environment.

Sustainability and comfort

We believe that looking after the environment is as important as ensuring our guests’ comfort. The measures we’ve been applying since 2012 help us be more efficient and sustainable, without compromising the quality of our services. Saving energy, cutting down consumption and reducing CO2 emissions and supporting local suppliers are the four pillars supporting our commitment to the environment and sustainability.

s sostenibilidad solar copia

Increasing energy efficiency

10 years ago, after the renovations that turned Apartamentos Playa Grande into todays’ Ibiza Sun Apartments, we began our eco-friendly journey by installing the first group of solar panels to heat up the water used at the hotel. Seven years later, in 2019, we extended the installation with a second group of panels to supply our own renewable power. This is how we’ve managed to gradually reduce our dependence on fossil fuels since 2012. Now all our lighting is 100% eco-friendly, and we produce 15% of it. We’ve also reduced our power consumption by only using energy-saving light bulbs.

Plastic free holidays

Our commitment to get rid of single-use plastic containers began in 2019, when we received the certification Plastic Free. We had to stop during the pandemic, as we were only allowed to use individual containers, but now we’ve resumed our efforts to not use any single-dose containers or plastic bottles, and we’ve also replaced plastic straws with biodegradable ones and have eliminated plastic cocktail decorations.

s sostenibilidad plastico

Other actions for a more sustainable stay

Our commitment to the environment includes other actions, such as:
- Buying more local products.
- Reducing waste and constantly recycling.
- During the hottest months, lowering the hot water temperature by an average two degrees, always in line with health regulations.
- Changing sheets every two days to save energy and water and offering our guests the choice of not changing towels every day.

Also, Ibiza Sun Apartments has joined the Food Talks project, co-funded by the EU Erasmus+ programme to encourage healthy, ethical and sustainable habits in the hotel and restaurant industry.

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